Massachusetts county judge shields corrupt behavior and judicial misconduct by holding hearings simultaneously in two separate courtrooms. County judge simultaneously held hearings for the” haves and have nots”.
In order to shield attorneys and represented litigatants from hearing and witnessing a motion to recuse the county judge. The county judge held hearings in two separate courtrooms. While the county judge’s judicial case manager checked in and process non-represented litigatants in a courtroom on third floor of the county courthouse. The county judge held hearings for attorneys and represented litigants on the fourth floor of the county courthouse.
The attorneys and represented litigatants were shielded from hearing the motion to recuse the county judge which exposed corruption and judicial misconduct, such obstruction of justice, partiality, unlawful ex parte communications, suppression of evidence, denial of due processes; child trafficking; extortion, “robe rage”; and violations of both Massachusetts General laws and federal laws.
This county judge thought so little of the unrepresented general public, and considered them ignorant to the facts of the motion to recuse.
The hearings for the “Have Nots” started 10:30am, after waiting to be heard since 9am.
September 24, 2012
Adrienne McGlone
The county judge attempted to shield and coverup wrong-doings; on September 24, 2012, The county Judge blatantly conduct covert hearings denying the public right and access to information regarding the Commonwealth judicial system.
Adrienne McGlone
“All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.”
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