Saturday, February 8, 2014

SHOCKING: 97% of foodstamp cuts to target just 15 blue states, including California

Map of which states are facing food stamp cutsWalter, there is a horrifying twist on the $8.7 billion cuts to food stamp cuts that passed the House—and which will soon face a vote in the Senate.

Almost all of the food stamp cuts come from 16 states and the District of Columbia—including California. The rest of the nation is left virtually untouched.

Sign and send our petition to your two U.S. Senators—telling them to just say “no" to food stamp cuts.

But wait, that's not all—15 of these 16 states voted for President Obama twice, and 28 of their 32 senators are Democrats.

In other words, these cuts are targeted overwhelmingly at poor folks in blue states.

Sign and send our petition to your two senators, telling them to vote “no” on the Farm Bill—because it cuts food stamps, with poor folks in blue states the overwhelming victims.

Keep fighting,
Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos

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