YORK 10016
866 - 553 - 6931
Board of Judicial Conduct 12/29/15
Att. Kim DiScenza
Head Disciplinary Counsel Transou v Harris
- 442574tcses
POB 50356
Nashville, Tn. 37205 Keontis
Transou - DOB - 8/25/99 - ( 16)
Asiayona Transou - DOB 10/23/01 -
Jill Jones-Soderman
Exec. Dir. - FCVFC
Publisher - The US Whistle Blower
Dear Mr. DiScenza,
I am the Executive Director of the organization, The
Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Courts. We deal with the
protection of fundamentally protected rights for children and protective
parents. We are also deeply concerned with the arbitrary and capricious nature
afforded to Judges through the latitude permitted by Judicial Discretion in
Family Court.
I was contacted by and have spoken with the guardian of the
above noted children, Dr. Anita Harris and the children themselves. I am deeply
concerned about the facts imparted to me with regard to an impulsive transfer
of these children by Judge Christy Little, without a Fact Finding Hearing, no
Comparative Fit Hearing, no Balancing of Interests, no swearing in of
witnesses. It appears that the children were thrust into the hands of their
biological father, without consultation with their new step mother, without
arrangement for any school transfer mid-year, for two children with special
needs and with complex medical concerns, with no transfer of medical records to
attend to their medical needs.
Of greatest concern and objection is the fact that there was
no predicate urgency for these children to have custody transferred impulsively
as there was no emergency - death, abuse, neglect, medical. psychiatric crisis
requiring a transfer of care takers.
The transfer appears to have been precipitated by the action
of an absent father, recently discharged from Federal Prison. Allegations
precipitating the father's request and the allegedly nefarious actions of
extended family would appear to require a hearing, testimony, cross
examination, protection of the equal rights of the children and due process of
all parties. Instead, it would appear, from a review of court room proceedings
and accounts of the children's in chamber, but not in camera interview with
Judge Christy Little, that the guiding
drive toward transfer was Judge
Little's biased, narrow, questionable prejudice toward Anita Harris, the
guardian of the two children since infancy. A review of the court room tapes
will provide a most accurate purview of the commentary quoted by Judge Little.
Securing of those tapes was recommended as a top priority for
Dr. Harris and her excellent Attorney, Collin Morris.
I can state from first hand knowledge as per discussion with
both children as per their call to my office, they were in extreme distress.
They both stated that they felt "tricked" by Judge Little, whom
allegedly stated that they could "visit" with their father, "get
to know him". They each said they did not want to "hurt his
feelings", but said their overwhelming reaction to being with him was fear
and discomfort. They stated that his new wife said she "never planned to
have kids around" and had " no idea as to what to do with them".
Their memories of being with their father involved - being bitten by a pit bull
dog who was generally vicious and “did not like white people". Their
father said to the police - the dog bit other children and significantly,
injured Keontis, biting into his cheek, that the dog was “found on the
street". The children stated they never were exposed to so much cursing
and they missed their grand mother. They do not know what is going to happen
with their schooling.
From extensive experience, when children independently call a
social service agency and speak urgently to a stranger, this is not a good
situation! The children stated that they feared their father and were calling
me in secret. I stated that I would be glad to speak with their father if they
felt comfortable
giving him my number. This phone number is available seven
days per week/twenty four hours per day.
Dr. Harris has retained an attorney. I would most certainly
hope that an attorney would be appointed for the children to preserve their
The level of cavalier impropriety on the part of this judge
as it concerns the full and complete destabilization of these children's lives
as well as the defamation and libel of a member of the social and intellectual
community of our country is of grave concern.
My Foundation would appreciate the consideration of your
attention and review as we watch with interest as to the service of fairness
and attention to children 's rights and due process in your community.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jill Jones-Soderman
Copies to:
Judge Christy Little
Joel Walter, Esq.
Mr. Evan Bunch
Black Lives Matter
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