Monday, February 17, 2025

Roy Cohn | 60 Minutes Archive

Viktor Orbán Has Eroded Democracy in Hungary. Now He’s Being Embraced by...

Viktor Orban's 'illiberal democracy' - BBC Newsnight

Hungary’s Orbán gives Trump an “illiberal” roadmap for American conserva...

"Are We Sleepwalking into Autocracy?" Trump Embraces Authoritarian Playb...

“The Apprentice”: New Film Opens Despite Trump’s Attempts to Block Anyone from Seeing It

Congo, Jazz & the CIA: Oscar-Nominated “Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat” Revisits Lumumba Assassination

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hartmann Report:TRUMP LOST. Vote Suppression Won.

A guest post by Greg Palast for the Hartmann Report

Trump lost. That is, if all legal voters were allowed to vote, if all legal ballots were counted, Trump would have lost the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Vice-President Kamala Harris would have won the Presidency with 286 electoral votes. 

See the full report here:

'Shafted' Blacks Out Of Votes: Greg Palast EXPOSES How 'Jim Crow Trickery' Cost Kamala Harris 2024

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Evilgelicals have hijacked the Christian Evangelical Part of America

 Evilgelicals have hijacked the Christian evangelical part of America. 

They were the slave holders when the country was founded. 

The Industrialists that had to be countered during industrial age when workers had no rights...and there were twelve hour work days, seven days a week. When Children had to work as opposed to go to school. 

There was no unemployment insurance or national health insurance plans. Employers could (and still do) make people keep jobs that they hate in order to have health insurance. THIS IS WHY THEY WANT TO DESTROY MEDICARE AND MEDICADE AND THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT...OBAMA CARE!

The Democratic and Republican Parties have failed to properly educate their constituents, members and citizens...of the truth about America and American foreign policy. There are no indoctrinations that pass down a truth from generation to cultivate ethical, caring, responsible and citizens. 

Instead, we get mythical fantasy stories.....instead of viewing history through the lenses of Cherokee, Choctaw, Maya, Africans, Persians, Spanish, Inca, Irish, German, Jewish, ....and on and on.... AND THEN...LET OUR DECENDENTS DECIDE ON THE TRUTH...instead of being told what to believe. Teach our kids HOW TO THINK....not what to think. THAT WOULD BE AN EDUCATION. 

We need the HONEST pursuit of justice ....and liberty for all....the ETHICAL not moral ...honest pursuit. Morality is subjective...Ethics.. more universal. 

Ethical thinking involves what MOST people feel. Most of us do not want someone to take our car or deny our spouse or kids.....medical treatment. In one may be ok to have 15 spouses. In may be .....immoral.

Many of you are not getting it. We need to exit this zeitgeist of deceit.  

There is no Santa Clause and it is time you faced this fact and stopped indoctrinating your kids with the stupid fables....that indoctrinate young people to fall into the same....spiritually bankrupt beliefs. To be indoctrinated into the same ignorant rituals ... that originate in pure evil.

Secular people must be active and stop allowing media and government forces to exclude us from the agenda. A broad coalition of secular, humanistic, evangelical, Christian, Muslim, Siks, ....atheists.... native....EVERYONE......must be in the inception of this nation.....and advance one nation, under ethical guidance, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The Democratic Party, by making the Gay/Trans AND WOMEN'S movement its' FACE instead of one its' most important contingents....failed to adequately build a big tent to encompass the plight of the Palestinians...Young Men......and Women....AND the Women in THEIR lives...and we lost a lot of ground .... gained through blood shed, sweat and tears. 

My grandfather was left at the front lines in Italy,..... with no reinforcements and resupply of ammunition and supplies... fighting Axis forces during WWII.

Black American soldiers were forced to use the back door to eating facilities...while German prisoners of war were allowed in the front door and treated with better dignity.

A White supremacist has taken over the Pentagon. He has White Supremacist tattoos all over his body....he wants the confederate general names to be reattached to the military bases across the United States.

The Air Force story of the Tuskegee Airmen was one of the first things he took down on official U.S. Air Force sites.

We can fight back. As citizen journalists. Collecting facts on Blogs and Social media. Participating in and producing Podcasts, Zoom videos and YouTube Videos......Blogtalk Radio and Skype communications...Let's get busy.